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Fanny Warmer® Products: Hunter's Reversible | Sport Warmer | Cozy Warmer | Tough Warmer | Kid's Warmer
Dear Fanny Co., Inc. appreciates all feedback and comments. We'd love to hear how you are putting our products to good use, or to hear any ideas you have for future product revisions. Just email us at info@fannywarmer.com.
In response to an email from fannywarmer.com to ask if the size fit and are you pleased and finding plenty of uses for the Hunter's Reversible Fanny Warmer®?
YES!!! And YES!!! It is ironic how one of my hunting partners made and produced some product like this and actually tried to market it. It was called "The Butt Buddy" it was similar, far more simple... It was just two pieces of canvas sown together with a piece of those blue poly tarp in between for the waterproofing... NO true warming ability... just kept you clean and dry... Your product is much higher quality and comfortable and WARM... worked good sitting in snow while coyote hunting...
Michael M.; Michigan
What I liked about it was that I was never aware that it was on. When I described to my fellow deer hunters that the fanny warmer was like a "miniskirt" they rolled their eyes but everyone at camp was impressed with it.
Bill B.; Vermont
My husband has one of the original Hunter's Reversible Fanny Warmer®. In the picture that I have enclosed shows him wearing it while he is mowing! It was a cold and windy November day. He wears it a lot and this picture proves it! For the past two months he has been hinting for me to get him a V2.0 for Christmas. I told him if he is a good boy maybe Santa will bring him one!
Jessica J.; Perry County, PA
I have two Hunter's Reversible Warmers. One for me and one for my son. My son didn't want anything to do with his unique Christmas gift! I told him TOUGH you better wear it (even if he is in his 30s)! The first time he wore it he was on his 4-wheeler. It kept his thighs warm and it kept the mud off of his derriere. After that he started making excuses to wear it. Like I didn't know he liked keeping his butt warm and dry. Kids will be kids. I love my warmer. It is ideal for walking or sitting in the woods.
Barbara C.; Bradford County, PA
I had mine on at the Millerstown Christmas Festival immediately after my husband bought it from Oliver and it was truly so warm on my bottom. So I am a walking testament to the effectiveness of your product!
Mallissa W.; Sunbury, PA
I would like to express my gratitude on such a great product! My son and I went deer hunting in it. We wore it over our one-piece coveralls, because after sitting in the snow or in the tree stand for a while with the one-piece, the butt gets cold. The day in the photo, it was about 15 degrees and windy. Wonderful Product!
Dan D.; Syracuse, NY
I wore it for a football game. I thought they worked well. It seems to me if you're going to do one targeted for football use, you might want to consider modifying it for the top of the legs. While I sat my thighs were exposed and if not for that I would have been very comfortable.
Bruce B.; Camp Hill, PA
Dear Fanny Co:
The Fanny Warmer is a Must for still hunting or stalking and using multiple different locations to hunt Because; It isn't bulky, and is light weight and functional. It is water resistant, and yet, does not restrict your movement. It is warm but doesn't make you overly hot when you are moving.
I never go hunting without my Fanny Warmer. It is always around my waist, especially for Deer and turkey seasons. When it is cold enough I wear it right over my co-harts. When it is warmer I wear it just over my jeans with a light jacket.
My most vivid memory of the flexibility and reliability of the fanny warmer was the last day of fall turkey season. I had not seen a turkey for the whole season. It was around 34° with snow and slush on the ground. The temperatures were slowly climbing above freezing. As the temperature rose the snow and slush became water and mud. I had been out several hours, moving and calling to no avail and had covered 3 to 4 miles of ground. I was climbing over brush and downed fences, finally arriving at the top of a farmer's field I spotted fifteen to twenty birds at close to 300 yards below me. I knew they would see me before I ever got close to them. So I dropped down and low crawled about 75 to 100 yards. The turkeys were moving, feeding around a pond with brush and crab apple trees all over. All the turkeys were hens, except one. I set up, in a dug road with icy slush, mud and running water in the tire ruts of the road. I waited for an open shot and there was only one as they were moving away the whole time. Sitting in the mud with the rifle supported off my knees and elbows, I fired and bagged the biggest gobbler I have ever gotten.
The only place I was not soaked, nor muddy, was where the fanny warmer was covering my co-harts. When I arrived back at my vehicle I was able to take off the Fanny Warmer and sit on my truck seat with no worries of making a muddy mess on my truck seat. And my butt and thighs were still comfortably dry.
Thank you for making such a wonderful product.